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Radio Tron TR30 GMDSS

Update Terakhir
24 / 09 / 2020
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Selamat Datang di Website Ben Berkarya. Kami merupakan perusahaan yang berdiri sejak 2012 bergerak dalam industri Alat Proteksi Diri dan Keamanan.

Info Lebih Lanjut Hubungi Kami:
MGK Kemayoran Lantai GF Blok A3 No.2
Jalan Angkasa Kav.B6 Kemayoran 10610
Telp : (021)29070534
WA : 08118886817

Detail Radio Tron TR30 GMDSS

Jotron’s Tron TR30 GMDSS is supplied with emergency battery only.  This innovating radio allows standard GMDSS simplex channels access. In addition, the floating Tron TR30 GMDSS can be connected to an IP-67 speaker microphone or a headset with a PTT-module. Tron TR30 GMDSS has the ultimate functional design. Every detail has been developed based on user functionality in an emergency situation.
Batteries are located under under Spare Parts.

  • Floating GMDSS radio with emergency battery
  • Excellent microphone noise cancelling
  • Waterproof accessories
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