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Ready! Pneumatic Rubber Fender Brand BK dan Inflatable Marine Airbag Brand BK - Tersedia Ukuran Standar dan Ukuran Customs

Smoke and Heat Detector AH 0625 Horing Lih (Alat Pendeteksi Asap)

Update Terakhir
02 / 12 / 2020
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Selamat Datang di Website Ben Berkarya. Kami merupakan perusahaan yang berdiri sejak 2012 bergerak dalam industri Alat Proteksi Diri dan Keamanan.

Info Lebih Lanjut Hubungi Kami:
MGK Kemayoran Lantai GF Blok A3 No.2
Jalan Angkasa Kav.B6 Kemayoran 10610
Telp : (021)29070534
WA : 08118886817

Detail Smoke And Heat Detector AH 0625 Horing Lih (Alat Pendeteksi Asap)



  • UL Listed.
  • Dual LEDs for 360-degree visibility.
  • Each visible warning has 3 modes to easily identify current status. 
  • Microprocessor control makes smoke and heat detection more accuracy.
  • The standard detector is 2-wire or 3-wire with base.
  • For 4-wire type just add one relay output module on 3-wire base. Simple and easy module placement enables wider application.
  • Detector is made of high endurance, solid and colorfast Fire-proof plastic.
  • Non-loosening screws on base terminal for easy installation.
  • Detector has passed strict EMC test, which greatly eliminates false alarms caused by interference from nearby sources.
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