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Telepon Satelite Thuraya XT-Lite

Update Terakhir
14 / 07 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Selamat Datang di Website Ben Berkarya. Kami merupakan perusahaan yang berdiri sejak 2012 bergerak dalam industri Alat Proteksi Diri dan Keamanan.

Info Lebih Lanjut Hubungi Kami:
MGK Kemayoran Lantai GF Blok A3 No.2
Jalan Angkasa Kav.B6 Kemayoran 10610
Telp : (021)29070534
WA : 08118886817

Detail Telepon Satelite Thuraya XT-Lite

Thuraya’s XT-LITE is the world’s best-value satellite phone. Designed for cost-conscious users, this reliable satellite handset offers a clear and uninterrupted connection at an unbeatable price.

An easy-to-use satellite phone, users can make phone calls and send SMS messages in satellite mode. If you’re about to embark on a journey of mountain-climbing or desert crossings, Thuraya’s XT-LITE is the best choice on the market for keeping you in touch with friends and family - at an affordable price.

Product Features
- Calls and text messages in satelite mode
- Long-lasting battery life
- Ease of use
- Supported by the most robust and powerful satellite network
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